Entries by Ben Wurst

Photo of the day: Osprey nestling

I started using reclaimed wood to frame my own photography, so why not showcase some recent work of mine! I plan to only post photos that I plan to frame using reclaimed wood. Right now is the peak of my field season where I help monitor and manage the state population of ospreys. Today I […]

Wood waste

When out looking for wood to salvage I’m both happy and saddened from what I see. I’m happy to collect more wood for my projects and stash, but I’m extremely saddened by the sheer amount of wood that enters the waste stream. I’m sure most comes from new construction, like this pile of lumber from […]

Sketch of terrarium stand

Here’s my next project: I’m planning on making the top out of reclaimed spruce boards left over from my dining table project. The sides and front will be reclaimed pine boards from an old pole barn. The back will be covered with reclaimed cedar boards and the front door(s) will be mosaic pieces of scrap […]

Etsy spotlight: Reclaimed framed mirror

This is an ongoing series of posts dedicated to featuring items for sale in my Etsy shop. Mirrors are the most popular search term that brings traffic to my shop. Whether I sell them or not, it still brings in traffic! This mirror was given to me by a friend who was renovating his house […]

Landscape of the day #2

I was working out at Fortescue Beach the other day and happened to snap off a couple of photos with my new Canon 7D. I was there to take down signage from beach closures to protect foraging areas for endangered red knots and other shorebirds. Horseshoe crabs were still spawning and nest depressions and lime […]

My work for sale at Art & Decor at Surf City

Before: After: I haven’t sold much here yet. So far I’ve only sold a large mirror and a small reclaimed cedar bench. I have had a few inquires about large mirrors, but none have followed through with actually ordering them. I do plan to make more to always have 1-2 large mirrors in stock. My […]

Reclaimed cedar table

I recently made this occasional table out of reclaimed cedar and a few bits of old pine boards. I really like how it came out and plan to make more. This one is currently available for sale on Long Beach Island at Art & Decor at Surf City.

Large Jersey Driftwood tree #2

Here is a photo of a large driftwood tree. This is only the second large (over 3′ high) one that I’ve made. Driftwood was collected from locations throughout New Jersey from my travels. More are on tap and will be for sale at Art & Decor at Surf City soon!


How would you like to win a Reclaimed upcycled cork board, table, or a driftwood tree? I will be giving away one of these to a lucky winner at the milestones of 500 Likes, 750 Likes, and 1000 Likes on Facebook. Currently 372 people like my page, so only 128 more likes till I choose […]