Entries by Ben Wurst

My workshop

After finishing work on my framing studio in my house I’m now concentrating on my enhancing my workshop. It’s located in my garage and is still a work in progress. Mostly I’ve been working on installing base cabinets to use as a work bench and to hold my miter saw. Previously my work shop was […]

Bald eagle silhouette frame

Here is a current project of mine. I was asked by a coworker of mine with Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ if I could carve an eagle in a frame that will hold a photo of a volunteer who monitors a bald eagle nest in New Jersey. I jumped on the opportunity! I love carving […]

Upcycled wine cork boards

Here are some high resolution shots of some upcycled cork boards that I currently have for sale. If interested in puchasing one of these, check out my store on Etsy, shoot me an email, or visit Art & Decor at Surf City in April. New creations are always in the works at reclaimed! ~Ben

Framing studio update

After some procrastination I’ve almost finished my home framing studio. The studio is located in a small room used as an office. Before it only housed a desktop CPU and some bookcases. Now it’s also home to my framing work. I used to finish my framing on my dining room table (before I started the […]

First show of 2012

Lines on the Pines is all about the NJ Pine Barrens! Come out to meet local authors, artists, non-profits, a few groups, musicians, and some really great photographers. I plan on having a bunch of upcycled cork boards, framed pine barrens photography, chalkboards, salvaged wood trees, and a couple tables. Here are a couple Piney […]

Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose before you Recycle

I strive to keep my environmental footprint at a minimum. I reuse as much stuff as possible. If I can’t reuse it, I transform or repurpose it for another use. This is the main aspect of work with reclaimed, to reuse stuff (wood in particular) that many people toss after one use. My salvaged wood […]

Upcycled chalk/cork boards

These are a newer creation of mine. I don’t even remember how it dawned on me but my first one was what I called a “50/50” chalk/cork board. Half was a wine cork board and the other half was a chalk board. I guess I just started fitting corks in a frame along one side […]

Cedar: reclaimed, reused, repurposed

Here is a fresh & new upcycled cork board. It’s framed in old cedar fence that was out for the trash. Who could trash such amazing looking wood…or turn it into kindling? I think it’s much more valuable to just toss after one use. I believe that cedar is one of the most valuable species […]

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Driftwood, corks & salvaged cedar

Here are a couple of new pieces I’ve made in the last two weeks. Driftwood centerpiece Upcycled cork board Custom made frame (out of salvaged western red cedar decking) for client to frame out an in wall fish tank.