I’m sure there aren’t many who follow my blog here, since I post so infrequently. I’m sure if you’d plot my posts over the past 8 years, they’d go down in frequency. Late last year I decided to take 2019 off with the business to simply devote more time to my family, work on my 87 year old home, my full time job, and me. For the first time since I started this business (officially) in 2011, I am not doing any events or craft shows. I am not taking any custom orders.

I don’t expect this to be forever, so this business will still be around in the future. I honestly do not know how I’ve done all that I have. I’ve got one project that I’m wrapping up for a friend’s event in July, and I can’t wait to share photos of that after it’s done. Once that is done, I hope to make some frames and jersey cutouts to stock up my Etsy shop. Until then, I’ll Be. Right. Back.