Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser

To help with relief and recovery efforts after Hurricane Harvey I made this 24″ cutout of the State of Texas.
100% of the proceeds from the sale of this cutout will be donated to Team Rubicon, a disaster relief organization who employs veterans. “Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.” As the situation there evolves, they have been busy rescuing stranded families and will mobilize volunteers to help with the clean-up and debris removal to help residents get back home as soon as possible.
This unique cutout was hand made from 100% reclaimed wood in my small wood shop, located in Bass River, New Jersey. Wood pieces were cut and glued/nailed down to a piece of salvaged plywood. The light colored pieces are from my old display, which was made from old pallets. The white painted wood was salvaged after Sandy on Long Beach Island, and the brown wood was from a 200 year old barn in rural Maine.