A New Adventure

After living in New Gretna (or Bass River Twp.) for almost eight years now I figured I might as well capture the beauty the surrounds me. Location is key. This is what drew my wife and I to live in New Gretna. It was close to work (or ways to get to work) and close to family. It’s also situated between some great expanses of preserved open space: The Pine Barrens and the Mullica River and Great Bay Watershed. When I was out on Bass River lately I realized that I wanted to try and capture the beauty that surrounds. I want to focus on the watershed as a whole and capture different aspects of this whole area. The river, the forests, the bay and the wildlife that live here. Maybe I’ll even try and take some photos of people… 🙂

Sunrise on Bass River, New Jersey.

Sunrise on Bass River, New Jersey.